Next week is National Breastfeeding Week, and we have got so much going on! We’re delighted to have so many people coming to talk to us during the week. 
On Monday at 10:15am, we’ll be joined by Dad Matters Gloucestershire and Breastfeeding Network Gloucestershire to talk about how partners and family members can support the feeding journey.
On Monday at 1:15pm, we’ll be joined by a GP and infant feeding specialist midwife, Sophie.
On Tuesday at 1:15pm, we’ll discuss the support available from health visitors and midwives.
On Wednesday at 10:45am, we’ll be discussing feeding when baby needs neonatal care.
All of these events will take place live on our Facebook page, so you can join us live or watch back later.
If you have any questions on any of these topics, please do let us know and we will get them answered by one of our experts during the week!
Email with your questions, or join us live to ask during the sessions.