If you have recently used maternity or neonatal services in Gloucestershire, we want to hear about your care during pregnancy, labour, birth and the time after baby was born.
Gloucestershire Maternity and Neonatal Voices is an independent organisation representing the voice of women and families, working to improve local maternity and neonatal care. We work closely with the NHS organisations in Gloucestershire so that your voice is heard. You can find out more about us here.
Your feedback will be used (anonymously) so that we can find out what needs to be improved and what is being done well.
Please note that as all feedback is anonymous, this form can not be used to submit a complaint, or if you would like a response. If you would like a response or want to make a complaint, you will need to contact the NHS organisation directly. Details can be found here.
If you have any questions before you complete these surveys, you can contact us on glicb.glosmvp@nhs.net or send us a Facebook message.
What would you like to tell us about?
Your experience at an antenatal appointment
Tell us about your experience at an antenatal appointment here
This includes any appointments or visits before baby is born, including:
- Midwife, consultant or registrar appointment
- Ultrasound (scan)
- Attending maternity triage
- An appointment with the perinatal mental health team
- An appointment with Healthy Lifestyles
- Antenatal education/classes run by the community midwives, or health visitors
- A home visit from a health visitor
Your labour and birth experience
Tell us about your labour and birth experience here
This includes whether you gave birth at home, in hospital or at a birth unit.
Your experiences of postnatal care
Tell us about your experiences of postnatal care here
This is to tell us about your care once your baby was born. It includes care from your community midwife, health visitors, GP, and the neonatal unit if your baby was admitted. You can answer all of the questions, or just tell us about your experience of one or two parts.
Your experiences of neonatal care
This neonatal care survey is being coordinated by University Hospitals Bristol and Weston. Gloucestershire MNVP and the Gloucester neonatal unit will recieve monthly reports summarising the feedback anonymously.